Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
We took Hallee outside today for some autumn pictures. Our one very small tree in the front yard doesn't make very many leaves, so it is not very autumn-like, but we sure got some cute pictures!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Five Months Old
Hallee turned five months old on Friday. She has changed so much just in the last couple of days. She rolls over all of the time. If I lay her down, she rolls over. I have to be careful where I lay her, so she doesn't roll into anything or off of anything. She can sit up by herself for quite a while. She still tips over after a minute or so, but she's getting stronger and more balanced everyday. Hallee has gotten pretty timid around people she doesn't recognize. It takes her a little bit to warm up to them. Every time I change her diaper, she whips her feet up into the air and chews on her toes! Here are some pictures from tonight, after her bath.

Mmmm, toes...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
All About Hallee
Here is an update on Hallee's life.
- She is such a good sleeper. She goes to bed around 9:30pm. She usually falls asleep easily, but wakes up within 10 minutes. I go back in to rock her back to sleep, which takes a little longer the second time. She usually stays down for the night by 10:15 or so. She wakes up somewhere around 9:00am and greets me with a smile.
- She is not a very good napper. In my arms is about the only place she'll nap for more than a few minutes. (But, there are worse things in life than snuggling with my beautiful sleeping baby!)
- Hallee is still breastfed and eats about every two hours during the day. She loves eating rice cereal at night when Andy and I are eating supper. I added a spoonful of prunes once, and now she wont eat it without them.
- Before bed, she takes a bath in the kitchen sink or in the shower with her daddy.
- Diesel is her favorite entertainment and she'll stop everything to watch him walk around.
- She still fusses in her car seat, but usually a little Mozart calms her down. I don't know what it is about Mozart, but she really enjoys it.
- She rolls over both tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy, but only when she really wants to.
She is an amazing little person. I am so lucky she is a part of my life.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
And They Call it Puppy Love...
I decided I wanted to get some pictures of Hallee and Diesel together. Hallee enjoys sticking her fingers in Diesel's ears, nose, and eyes and Diesel really likes the taste of Hallee's face. It made for an interesting photo shoot! We got a couple of cute ones...
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