Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Helper

Hallee really likes socks. Her own socks, my socks, her Daddy's socks, it doesn't matter to her. I was folding the laundry the other day (I always save socks for last) and I couldn't keep Hallee out of the laundry basket. She kept tipping it over! I finally gave in and let her play.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Little Girl, Big Mess!

I guess kids have a natural ability to drag toys all over the house. Hallee can barely crawl and she made this mess all by herself!

Monday, January 18, 2010

8 Months Old

Hallee turned eight months old on Saturday! I can't believe how fast she is growing up!
  • She army-crawls all over the house. She doesn't push up onto her hands and knees, yet, but she's pretty quick dragging her tummy!
  • She can push herself up to sit after she's been laying down.
  • She can no longer take baths in the kitchen sink. Not because she's too big, but because she has figured out how to splash... a lot!
  • She eats solid foods twice a day, but she still hasn't figured out that it is supposed to fill her tummy. She eats food when it is something she really likes, but she would much rather nurse.
  • We've started letting Hallee cry herself to sleep at night. She started waking up during the night just so I would rock her back to sleep. We decided enough was enough and it was time she learn to fall asleep by herself. Some nights are better than others, but its best in the long run (or at least that's what I keep telling myself!!)
  • I'm kind of proud that she's 8 months old and has never had a drop of formula. I feel blessed that I have been able to breastfeed her this whole time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Go Bears!

Their season is over, but we have a family of Chicago Bears fans through it all. Even in their 'less good' years, like this one.

Only her Daddy can make her face light up like that!

The Tables Have Turned

Time for some more pictures of Hallee and Diesel. He really puts up with a lot!!