Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Like a Fish
We took Hallee swimming at a hotel a few weeks ago and she LOVED it! She didn't even hold onto us. She was so busy splashing and kicking her legs. When we went back to the pool the next morning, Hallee squeeled with delight! 

She was exhausted from all the fun in the pool. I didn't even have time to get her dressed before this happened:
9 Months
Hallee is 9 months old! My sweet little baby has turned into a little person right before my eyes! She is amazing.
- pulls herself up to stand on everything, including Diesel.
- is starting to eat table food.
- waves bye-bye. (as of yesterday)
- can crawl on hands and knees, but still lays on her belly and Army crawls most of the time.
- walks if she is holding our hands.
We are so blessed!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
New Hat
I saw the cutest hat yesterday and I immediately decided I needed to crochet one for Hallee. I'm pretty good at blankets and scarves (flat things), but I haven't had much luck with gloves and hats (not so flat things). It took me a few tries to get it right, but I thought it turned out darn cute!

It's a little bit too big and Hallee would not leave it on, but she'll wear it someday!
On another note, Hallee has two new teeth! The top middle ones. She has been CRABBY all week, so I knew they were close. We could see them pushing through her little gums which had become purple and swollen. Poor thing. I hope she feels better, now that they're through!
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