As hard as it is to believe, Hallee is officially one year old. On Sunday we celebrated her birthday at our house with our families. She was a little overwhelmed by the people at first, but settled in pretty quickly. She had a blast playing with her cousins and opening her awesome gifts. I'll get to the pictures soon, but first some of Hallee's accomplishments.
Hallee is very close to walking. She walks between Andy and I all the way across the house, as long as one of us is there to catch her. She hasn't quite taken off toward anything else yet. But she is getting more confidant all the time.
Hallee sleeps 12-13 hours at night. She goes to bed around 9:30 at night and sleeps until 10:30 in the morning. I know, I know, it is crazy that she sleeps until 10:30 am. We're working on getting her to bed earlier so that she doesn't sleep quite as long in the morning. Her naps are still nothing to brag about, though.
She has 7 teeth. Four on the top and three on the bottom.
Hallee has an ATTITUDE. She knows what she wants and will let you know if you're not giving it to her!
Hallee has finally gotten better about eating vegetables. She especially likes them if she can feed them to herself.
Hallee still uses sign language. 'Please' is her newest addition to her "vocabulary".Hallee weighs 21 pounds 5 ounces, and is 29 1/4 inches long.
Okay, here are some pictures from her party.
The tiera lasted all of 15 seconds!
This is the cake I made
Singing "Happy Birthday"
She started eating each bite very carefully. That lasted quite a while.
Then she dug in!
Literally, dug in!
It was time to be done when Hallee started throwing it over her shoulder.
We had a great day. Hallee was surrounded by people who love her and that was the best part.