Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to School

The school books are wide open an our house! Andy decided a while ago that he wanted to go back to college. He is attending The University Center here in Sioux Falls and majoring in Business Management. He is taking 9 credits this semester, two classes on Tuesday nights and an internet class. Going to school, along with working full time, is making him a busy guy!

I also enrolled in a community education class put on by the Sioux Falls school district. I'm taking a digital photography class every other Wednesday night this semester. Photography has always really interested me. I know some about the various camera settings but I haven't quite figured out how to apply them. I'm hoping this class will help with that. Anything that gives me an excuse to take more pictures of Hallee is a good thing!

Fortunately for me, Hallee has a few years before we send her off to school!