Thursday, October 8, 2009

All About Hallee

Here is an update on Hallee's life.
  • She is such a good sleeper. She goes to bed around 9:30pm. She usually falls asleep easily, but wakes up within 10 minutes. I go back in to rock her back to sleep, which takes a little longer the second time. She usually stays down for the night by 10:15 or so. She wakes up somewhere around 9:00am and greets me with a smile.
  • She is not a very good napper. In my arms is about the only place she'll nap for more than a few minutes. (But, there are worse things in life than snuggling with my beautiful sleeping baby!)
  • Hallee is still breastfed and eats about every two hours during the day. She loves eating rice cereal at night when Andy and I are eating supper. I added a spoonful of prunes once, and now she wont eat it without them.
  • Before bed, she takes a bath in the kitchen sink or in the shower with her daddy.
  • Diesel is her favorite entertainment and she'll stop everything to watch him walk around.
  • She still fusses in her car seat, but usually a little Mozart calms her down. I don't know what it is about Mozart, but she really enjoys it.
  • She rolls over both tummy-to-back and back-to-tummy, but only when she really wants to.

She is an amazing little person. I am so lucky she is a part of my life.

1 comment:

Dorine said...

Yes, Hallee is a pretty special little girl! We love her lots!

Grandma Dorine, Grampa Danny, and Uncle Lee

P.S. Diesel can be very entertaining, you know ;-)