Saturday, April 24, 2010

11 Months

I know Hallee turned 11 months old over a week ago, but I wanted to do a quick update on some of her new skills.

Hallee will walk beside us holding just one hand, but isn't quite ready to walk by herself. She is definitely getting better, but she's still pretty wobbly! She crawls so fast now, it's hard to think about how much more stuff she'll be able to get into when she's walking!

We've been working on sign language with Hallee. She started picking it up pretty quickly in the last week or two. She signs "more", "all done" and "doggy" regularly. She tells us that she is "so big" when we ask her. Hallee doesn't really like to show off to other people, but she signs all the time to us!

Hallee has gotten a lot more comfortable around people. She even reaches out to other people while I'm holding her. It seems crazy that a few months ago, she was terrified of everyone other than Andy or me.

Hallee has six teeth now, four on the top and two on the bottom. She's been working hard on the last one, so I hope we get a little break before the next ones start coming in.

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